Building a Durham that prioritizes


Durham Beyond Policing is a grassroots abolitionist formation devoted to the end of policing.

Abolition is our goal. We believe that ALL policing and carceral systems are rooted in anti-Blackness, brutality, and the protection of capital and thus cannot be reformed. We know real safety lies in systems of care, solidarity, and community accountability, not punishment and disposability.



#FreeOurFam Popular Education Series

Partner with community organizations to offer popular education workshops around mass incarceration, surveillance technology, and how we get free through transformative justice.


East Durham Community Design Process

Facilitate a process with community members to design a people-centered alternative of community care that doesn’t rely on policing. This work is focused on East Durham, a historically Black and Brown area of the city.


People’s Policy Platform and #HEARTCampaign

Engage our community to get involved in the City and County budget processes to take our public dollars back.
This work includes advocating for the expansion of the HEART program and people’s assemblies.



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