#FreeOurFam Popular Education Series

Building with community organizations to offer popular education workshops around mass incarceration, surveillance technology, and how we get free through transformative justice is the work of the #FreeOurFam Popular Education series.


We change narratives and expand consciousness by partnering with community organizations to offer popular education workshops around mass incarceration, surveillance technology, and how we get free through transformative justice.


We do our work through the Popular Education model and methodology:

Abolition is our goal. We believe that ALL policing and carceral systems are rooted in anti-Blackness, brutality, and the protection of capital and thus cannot be reformed. We know real safety lies in systems of care, solidarity, and community accountability, not punishment and disposability.

(Highlander Research and Education Center on Popular Education methodology)

We believe that through sharing our experiences and honoring each other in our full dignity, we are able to move members of our community from constituents, to our base, to member supporters with the goal of developing emergent leaders within our organizing pipeline.


Join our CAUSE

The “Free Our Fam” Popular Education Series is an offering to the Durham community to exchange our stories, grow our understandings of the world and is also a means of recruiting new DBP members each year.

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