Core Points of Unity

The work of DBP is guided by our Core Points of Unity, listed below.

Members of our formation, are all accountable to these politics. We invite you to review them, consider if you might be aligned them and attend an orientation if you are interested in practicing these:

Like all police and sheriffs’ offices, Durham Police Department (DPD) and Durham Sheriff’s Office (DSO) cannot be reformed and thus must be abolished.
We do not collaborate or create alliances with law enforcement.
We know that this work requires us to expand in our self-reflection, bravery, and accountability and we do so accordingly.
As conflicts arise, we commit to move through them in ways that are principled, intentional, healthy, and compassionate.
We work to both dismantle institutions of policing and the conditions that produce violence.
Beyond policing, we commit to experimenting with and creating systems of care and the conditions that generate safety.
We are accountable to people who are most impacted by policing, including people who are Black, Indigenous, Latinx, working class, formerly or currently incarcerated, young, queer, trans, and immigrant.
Our work is local on purpose because local organizers know their city’s needs best. We commit our work to Durham in order to be good stewards of Durham’s histories of resistance, co-create a freer present, and to honor the future of generations to come in this city.



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